Libraries and Hours Ask a Librarian

Olin & Uris Libraries

Olin: Closed
Uris: Closed

Building Use Policies

“If it is neat, you can eat.”

Covered beverages and small, contained snacks and sandwiches are permitted throughout the library except in the following locations:

  • Current Periodical Room
  • Olin 501 Graduate Reading Room
  • Olin 604 & 605
  • A.D. White Library
  • Kinkeldey Room
  • Kroch Library

Open plates of food as well as messy, noisy or aromatic foods are permitted in the Amit Bhatia Libe Café and Uris Tower Lounge.

All areas should be as clean as, or cleaner than, they were before study or use. Trash and recyclables are to be placed in the appropriate containers, and spills should be wiped up.

Please be courteous in your use of cell phones in the library. Refrain from phone conversations in the quiet zones and have your ringer turned off while in the library. There are designated cell phone zone spaces throughout the buildings-in the stairwells, cafes, elevator lobbies, and between the double door entrance to Olin.

Space cannot be saved by leaving belongings. Please be considerate. Other patrons may move your belongings aside if left unattended for more than 15 minutes, and library staff cannot be responsible for the security of unattended items.

Smoking is prohibited in the libraries and within 25 feet of the entrances to both Olin and Uris Libraries.

Olin and Uris Libraries have non-classroom public spaces that are occasionally utilized for library events. Please refer to our public spaces use policies for more information.

For all photo and film shoots (i.e. student projects, wedding or engagement photos), specific permission from Library Administration is required in advance. If library staff have not been notified, you will be asked to provide evidence of permission to photograph or film. For more information, see Permission to Film/Photograph in Library Facilities.

The purpose of the digital signs in Olin and Uris libraries is to promote Cornell University Library’s services, collections, priorities, and activities to the Cornell community. For more information, see Olin and Uris Digital Sign Guidelines.